I sit in my workspace (what I call Stuido but others know as office) and contemplate the journey we are embarking on. The lenten season (this year March 5-April 20) is a time of relfection and preparation leading to Easter (april 20). During this time, a fast is common depending on the traditions of your faith community. Usually, I will give up a few things that I like to indulge in for Lent (fast food, soda, etc..), but this year I am really diving into what is known as the Daniel Fast.
I have started referring to this fast as Vegan+ because in addition to a vegan diet, I also will not be allowed processed foods (with a few minor acceptions), no caffinated drinks (thats gonna be hard) and no leavened bread. So over the last week I have be starting to stockpile supplies (thank goodness for the bulk foods section at Winco) in preparation for this period of fasting. While this is a fast meant to be part of my spiritual life and practice for Lent, I am also hoping that I will receive some health benefits from it as well. You see, one think I think about with Lent is that we need to take care of ourselves so that we can care for others, and we have physical, mental, emotional, and spirtual health to consider. Each of these aspects of health are interconnected, and so while I will be changing my diet, I will also be incorportating workouts as a spritual practice as well. This will involve adding prayer and reflection into my times of workout (so instead of scrolling Social Media, I will be focusing on faith). I am quite excited for this spiritual challenge.
Now if you know me, I think that we should find Joy in a lot of what we do, which is why I am not taking this fast as a sorrowful thing, but as an opportunity to grow as a person in spirit and in health. Though let's be honest, I am going to miss my coffee :(.
However, an important thing I should state is that Fasts and Diets for Lent are not nessisary, it is something deeply personal in your journey should you wish to try it. Lent is a season of personal faith that is supported by community work. But what I truly invite you to do this Lent is not to fast but to focus on making the world a better place. To give up hateful comments or thoughts about your neighbor (no matter how wrong they are lol) but instead focus on how we are all God's beloved creation and that we will need to support each other. So when we gather on Ash Wednesday, when we remember we are dust, that we are part of the grand cosmos of God's creation, let us enter into Lent with hearts aimed for Love, Hope, Peace, Compassion, and Mercy. Let's give up division and hate. We are on this earth together, how much nicer the journey of life will be with Love.
Bless you all and I look forward to the Lenten Season and all we are doing together!
Pastor Mat
See FCC Missoula's Lent Activities at www.fccmissoula.org/lent
